I called it!
You deserve a break today. My treat, courtesy of one of my trés supportive customers.
Amy K. from California has literally invested in ARTHAUS:Detroit's mission a number of times, underscoring her own passion for equality and justice. She shared this with me just today, and I'm passing it on to you.
I think it's no wonder the Well-Behaved Women ICON bracelet has been my most popular item over the past three years. If there are any unsung Harriets out there -- as in Harriet Tubman, and I'm absolutely certain there are many -- she is definitely one, and I aim to give her her due among the WBW crew later this year: m.dailykos.com/stories/2021/7/17/2040395/-Rest-in-power-Gloria-Richardson
Here's to the not so well behaved. 🥂
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