Closely carried. Forever remembered.
Depending on how I print the names I’ve chosen, each locket contains 10 to 20 LEAFS of flame-kissed, sand hued paper with names of a great many of the men, women and children -- yes women and children -- who were RECORDED as lynched. I emphasize the word 'recorded' because most of them were hung from trees to the pleasure of audiences, at capricious whim, and many lynchings went un-noted.
I include a selection of 200 names...of the well over 4,000 lynching victims from roughly 1837 to 2020. A gem, bits or a skeleton of a leaf, a bit of stone or moss, or a combination of these things (artist's choice) will accompany them.
These lockets are labors of great love that I take great pride and care in making.
This is among the sorrows that have weighed on heart most of my life. And I've been around a while. I've long sought to carry these names with me so that, in the fullness of time, somewhere, these souls know they are known, mourned, valued and never forgotten. And, hopefully, one day, know too, that their tragic, horrific deaths were not in vain.
Though I aim to make more in the future, at this time I have two Crying Tree Necklaces left in stock. One, kissed with a warm copper finish, is in the gift shop of the Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery (Detroit, MI, call to confirm the price: 313-963-7575) where you can buy it directly from them. The second, with a light brass finish, is in an online exhibit for the Downriver Council for the Arts (Wyandotte, MI, call to inquire about the price: 734-720-0671) and you can purchase it from them. Both are on chains, long enough to be worn, short enough to dangle from a hook, precious enough to be placed with keepsakes...
I know there are others out there, like me, who will value this memorial keepsake. A portion of the proceeds from this sale will go to the Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery.*
* https://www.instagram.com/tv/ChKmauaAqVO/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D