You've heard a lot about Alexander Hamilton lately. But have you heard about THE OTHER HAMILTON? The the Hamilton who went toe to toe with the state of Alabama? And won?
Well, let me introduce you. Her name -- yes, hers -- is Mary. And if you're a woman of color and anyone has ever called you Miss -- or Mrs. -- then you've in effect met her.
When she was brought into court, with fellow Freedom Riders, Mary Hamilton was denied the courtesy. Principled and extremely polite, Hamilton was incensed, and chose not to respond to any judge or officer of the court who did not address her respectfully. None of them did.
Hamilton's resulting jail time was no easy row to hoe. She bore a great deal of abuse, most of which I won't list here. But she was not one to cave or be trifled with. In one instance she told a jailer who intended to rape her that he'd have to kill her first. When the mayor visited her in jail, she told him if couldn't properly address her as a lady, he could get the hell out of her cell.
Hamilton took her complaint to court -- all the way to the supreme court -- and, winning her case, terminated a custom of systemic disrespect that was a hallmark of white supremacy for centuries. Think about that.
Mary Hamilton is one of my personal heroes. I am as proud to offer this bag as I am proud to take it out with me. Proud to give Hamilton her rightful due with places to bear her name, her likeness, her legacy, her message.
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